
Thursday, June 7, 2007

Java Ring

A Java Ring is a finger ring that contains a small microprocessor with built-in capabilities for the user, a sort of smart card that is wearable on a finger. Sun Microsystem's Java Ring was introduced at their JavaOne Conference in 1998 and, instead of a gemstone, contained an inexpensive microprocessor in a stainless-steel iButton running a Java virtual machine and preloaded with applets (little application programs). The rings were built by Dallas Semiconductor.

Workstations at the conference had "ring readers" installed on them that downloaded information about the user from the conference registration system. This information was then used to enable a number of personalized services. For example, a robotic machine made coffee according to user preferences, which it downloaded when they snapped the ring into another "ring reader."

Although Java Rings aren't widely used yet, such rings or similar devices could have a number of real-world applications, such as starting your car and having all your vehicle's components (such as the seat, mirrors, and radio selections) automatically adjust to your preferences.


Unknown said...

actaully whats the main application of javaring how it cam be implemented ,"java" is oop language , how it can be implemeneted

Unknown said...

actaully whats the main application of javaring how it cam be implemented ,"java" is oop language , how it can be implemeneted

Unknown said...

What is the Disadvantages of JavaRing?

Unknown said...

i want full report on java ring.
so plzzzzzzzzz help me.

Unknown said...


can u plz tell me the advantages and disadvantages of java ring........

Go said...

Actually it is not implemented by using JAVA.....Some applets of java are use in java ring ......

Unknown said...

can u plz mail me full report of java ring on in..

Chintan Bhatt said...

plzzz give me full information on java ring because i wanna perform seminar on it....plzzz help me..

sreenu said...

i have seminar on this topic please somebody can give me full report on this topic to

Unknown said...

I am doing a seminar on java ring.Please mail me the full report as soon as possible

manji said...

what's the featurs of java ring?
& the main application & how it works?

manji said...

I am doing a seminar on java ring.

please give answer on my mail as soon as

sathiya said...

hi i m doing seminar on java ring this week since i m running out of time i need details about it urgently can u mail stuffs about it pls pls pls pls

pary said...

i want full report on java ring
because its an interesting topic for my seminar Please mail me the full report as soon as possible to my email id given below:

Unknown said...

i want to full content of java ring bcz im going to give a seminor on this pls provide me

Unknown said...

cud u plz mail me more details on java ring? it will b better if u cud send any papers and ppts regarding the working,usage,advantages n disadvantages of java id is

sushma said...

hey plz mail me dis topic ppt n documentation plzzzzzzzz plzzz it is very urgent plzzzzzzzzzzzz

Unknown said...

hi..........cld u plz send me t ppt nd reprt of java ring on

kavi said...

please send me full report of java ring.its very urgent plz

Unknown said...

i am a science stuednt
i want to give seminar on this topic
will u please send me the complete project report

Unknown said...

i am a science stuednt
i want to give seminar on this topic
will u please send me the complete project report

Unknown said...

plz send me a full report of java ring to my mail id

bency said...

plz mail me the full report as soon as possible...i think this is an interesting topic... so plz help me.. . my id

Unknown said...

I am interested in doing a seminar on java ring..Can u plz provide me with a full report .

Unknown said...

i m doing seminar on java ring. so i want both ppt and report of java ring. plzz help me. and send 2 my email id as far as possible. my id is

Unknown said...

i want to give seminar on java ring pls give me detail information of java ring

pooja said...

cld u plz mail me ppts & detailed report on JAVA RING...

Unknown said...

i want full report on java ring.
so plzzzzzzzzz help me, becoz i hav seminar on it

Unknown said...

i want full report on java ring.
so plzzzzzzzzz help me, becoz i hav seminar on it

savita said...

plz snd me the full details of this seminar topic...actually i want to do seminar on email id is

savita said...

can u please send me the full detail of this seminar

savita said...

can u please send me the full detail of this seminar

rashida said...

i m doing computer engg..
i have selected this topic so please help me to understand it...
plz send me full report on java ring..

laxmi said...

i want paper presentation on plz send me the full report on mail id is

laxmi said...

I want paper presentation on java ring.plz send me the full report.bcoz i have seminar on java ring